Thursday, 28 April 2011

Q2 2011 RadControls for Winforms Roadmap

The roadmap for Q2 2011 RadControls for WinForms is now available. There are again, a host of additional features and controls that have been much requested on the Telerik Winforms forums.

These include

Property Grid
This powerful control will provide a sophisticated Visual Studio-style property grid, and will allow for theming and customizations. Developers will be able to easily create a hierarchical list of editable properties and represent any data type or sub-item. Different types of editors will be available depending on the type of the corresponding object properties.

ListView Control
The ListView control is a databound control that will support different views: Tile View, Details View, and more. It will be based on our generic data layer (which is already in use by RadGridView and other controls). It will support data operations such as grouping, filtering and sorting. Of course it will support our advanced theming mechanism and will allow editing of different data types.

For full information on the Q2 2011 roadmap, see this link

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

RadControls for WinForms 2011.1 11.419 is ready

Keeping to Telerik's promise of an aggressive release straegy, the Q1 2011 SP1 for WinForms is now available for download. For more information on what's in this new service pack, visit the SP1 release notes

Thursday, 7 April 2011

RadWizard Localization

The new RadWizard from Telerik for WinForms is a great way of splitting up complex tasks into smaller chunks. If you wish to localize the RadWizard into another language it should be possible to give it a RadLocalizationProvider, just like you can with many of the other RadControls. However, this is not yet in the documentation so as this has just been brought up on the WinForms forums, I thought I would add a quick post to describe localization of the RadWizard.

First, create your own localization provider for RadWizard.

public class CustomRadWizardLocalizationProvider : RadWizardLocalizationProvider
    public override string GetLocalizedString(string id)
        switch (id)
            case RadWizardStringId.BackButtonText: return "<   L_Back";
            case RadWizardStringId.NextButtonText: return "L_Next   >";
            case RadWizardStringId.CancelButtonText: return "L_Cancel";
            case RadWizardStringId.FinishButtonText: return "L_Finish";
            case RadWizardStringId.HelpButtonText: return "<html><u>L_Help</u></html>";
            default: return string.Empty;

and then simply set the current provider as shown
public Form1()
    RadWizardLocalizationProvider.CurrentProvider = new CustomRadWizardLocalizationProvider();